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Showing posts from October, 2011

Chrome could unseat Firefox as No. 2 browser

CNET News : "Google's browsers edged closer to second place in both desktop and mobile markets, a gradual trend that helps Google's profitability and its long-term plans for the Web. On personal computers, Chrome rose from 15.5 percent of global usage in August to 16.2 percent in September, according to Net Applications, whose Web-based analytics tools monitor usage. Chrome trails Internet Explorer, which dropped from 55.3 percent to 54.4 percent, and Firefox, which dipped from 22.6 percent to 22.5 percent." Related articles Chrome to Overtake Firefox in Browser Popularity by End of Year [In Brief] ( Chrome to Surpass Firefox's Market Share by December (

Microsoft security tools deleting Google Chrome from Windows PCs -

Microsoft security tools deleting Google Chrome from Windows PCs - : "Hundreds of Google Chrome users (at least) found their Internet browser of choice removed from their Windows PCs on Friday after Microsoft deleted the Web-surfing app. And no, Microsoft didn't start pushing out Chrome because it's gaining market share and posing a threat to Internet Explorer." Related articles Microsoft Kills Google Chrome With Bad Malware Signature (